The Drop Off dive site is a 600 m deep wall! This spot is one of the most popular of Sipadan. It is an excellent spot to see many turtles, whitetip reef sharks, grey sharks, bumphead parrot fish and also hundreds of barracuda swimming all together in a giant tornado. Before closing all the resorts on the island, it was considered to be the best beach dive on the world! A wonderful place also for underwater photography with many cracks along the walls full of tiny invertebrates!
You can dive Drop Off all year long. Access: from the Shore. See the map of Drop Off on the right for the exact location.
Fishes you may spot while diving Drop Off
Garden Eel
Mantis Schrimp
Ribbon Eel
Scorpion Fish
Sweet Lip
... and more fishes & sea life, Cockatoo Waspfish, Largespotted Snake Eel, Longjawed Mackerel, Moray, Peacock Razorfish, Stingray, Translucent Anemone Shrimp

Blue Nudibranch in Lembeh StraitPhoto by Rich Guest
Blue Spotted White Purple NudibranchPhoto by Jihye Lee
OctopusPhoto by Agnes Tjandranegara
Moray Eel Lembeh StraitPhoto by Jihye Lee
White Orange Shaped NudibranchPhoto by Jihye Lee
Ribbon EelPhoto by Jihye Lee
Colorful Orange Mantis SchrimpPhoto by Agnes Tjandranegara
Amazing Orange Black Nudibranch SwimmingPhoto by Rich Guest
Sweet Lip FishPhoto by Matthieu Billaud
Closeup NudibranchPhoto by Jihye Lee
Diving Reviews for this region
Big fishes Land! Incredible Marine Life with tons of fishes everywhere... Fantastic coral and very good visibility.
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