Navy Pier Dive Site

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Sea life
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WOW! Once in a lifetime experience!
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No current
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Good visibility: 10->20m
Level Advanced Divers
Dive depth Shallow depth, 0-10m

Navy Pier Dive site is one of the best shore dives in the World! It is located in Exmouth, near the Ningaloo Reef. It is a very unique dive site under the Jetty of the Australian Navy, famous for its incredible marine life.

Navy Pier is an easy and shallow dive (maximum depth of 15 meters) usually with no current. However the visibility is low and ranges from 3 to 10 meters but this is not really a big problem as there is so much marine life swimming around you! The Navy Pier is also a great place for Night Diving!

Marine Life

Under the Navy Pier you can spot all sorts of small creatures and big too! You will normally observe the very bizarre looking Wobbegong Shark, the Grey Nurse and the Whitetip Reef Shark.

The critter lovers and the underwater photographers will be delighted by the huge array of macro creatures such as various Nudibranch, Flat Worms, Frog Fishes, Scorpions Fishes and Stone fishes.

There are all the usual reef fishes and Pelagic with schools of Barracudas and Trevallies!


The Navy pier is located on the North of Exmouth. It is easily accessible and you could even dive the Navy Pier in the Morning and the Ningaloo Reef in the Afternoon!

This place has been recommended for Night diving experience!

You can dive Navy Pier all year long. Access: from the Shore. See the map of Navy Pier on the right for the exact location.

Navy Pier Navy Pier Dive site is one of the best shore dives in the World! It is located in Exmouth, near the ... Julien 5

Fishes you may spot while diving Navy Pier

  • Angel Fish Angel Fish
  • Barracuda Barracuda
  • Batfish Batfish
  • Boxfish Boxfish
  • Frogfish Frogfish
  • Goatfish Goatfish
  • Lion Fish Lion Fish
  • Lobster Lobster
  • Moray Eel Moray Eel
  • Nudibranch Nudibranch
  • Parrotfish Parrotfish
  • Sea Snake Sea Snake
  • Whitetip Shark Whitetip Shark

... and more fishes & sea life, Nurse Shark, Wobbegong Shark


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Diving Reviews for this region

Ningaloo Reef

Excellent scuba diving with the chance to spot Whale Sharks or Manta Rays during the right season.

Ningaloo Reef Diving Review

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7 dive logs in “Navy Pier”

  1. This is the best dive site in Australia to spot strange fishes. Water is nit very clear but still ok. It is a lust dive if you are in the Ningaloo reef area.

  2. Navy Pier was the best of my dives so far. It is not a demanding dive. No currents. About 14m deep. Visibility was not a problem at all. The amount of fish and other critters was astonishing. Just hover and watch! I didn’t see grey nurses, however, as they leave the pier when water temperature raises above a certain degree. But the whitetips and wobbegongs were there. I dove with Ningaloo Whaleshark-n-dive an can recommend them as a good operator.

  3. I dived here a couple of months ago. Unfortunately it had been very windy the week prior, so conditions weren’t the best. Vis was 1-5m, varying throughout various parts of the Pier.
    Despite this, we still saw a huge variety of marine life, grey nurse sharks, lion fish, cod, catfish eels… I could never name them all! I can see that on a better day, this would be a fantastic dive. It’s also a very easy dive, with constant depth and simple to navigate.

    PS The pier is not longer an advanced dive – they even do intro-dives and courses there too now.

  4. Pingback: Top 10 best diving sites in the World | extrastuffs

  5. Hi, I am planning to go for Holliday to ningaloo. And I wonder if it is possible for diving in the first week of January. Can you tell which days are available?.

    Many thanks in advance,

    Raul Martin

    • Best to contact the dive company directly to get what days they go and what are best weather conditions. They were very helpful when I went. They may also have a Facebook page. Sorry, I haven’t dived there for years.

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