International Field Studies, Inc.

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Company Information

International Field Studies, Inc. is a non-profit organization promoting science education and research since 1970.  IFS provides students with the unique opportunity for hands-on, outdoor, environmental education.  Offering trips that range in length from one week to one semester, subjects such as marine biology, botany, ornithology, geology, oceanography, or ichthyology can be covered individually as areas of specialization or comprehensively in a broad overview of subtropical ecology.  There are many topics to be explored in the social sciences as there is a rich culture and interesting history embodied in the people the island.

IFS believes an interdisciplinary approach to learning is especially well suited to the field studies environment.  IFS functions as a facilitator for educational groups (ranging from middle school to graduate level college students) seeking expertise and logistical support.  IFS also facilities research by assisting researchers with their logistical needs on Andros.

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