South West Rock dive site is located about 13 km southwest of Koh Tao Island. It is one of the best spot of the area. It consists of several underwater pinnacles ranging from 5 m to 30 m deep. It is a great spot with a good Marine life. Here you can see Yellow tail Barracudas, Groupers, Leopard Sharks and all the usual Reef fishes of the Gulf of Thailand. Whale Sharks have already been spotted here too. As it is out in the open water, this dive is more suitable for advanced divers. South West Rocks is also called Southwest Pinnacles
You can dive South West Rock all year long. Access: from the Shore. See the map of South West Rock on the right for the exact location.
Fishes you may spot while diving South West Rock
Leopard Shark

Black Spotted Yellow BoxfishPhoto by Jihye Lee
School Thousands Blue Gold Fusilier FishPhoto by Jihye Lee
Potato Grouper At NightPhoto by Agnes Tjandranegara
Blue Spotted RayPhoto by Jihye Lee
SeahorsePhoto by Jihye Lee
GrouperPhoto by Jihye Lee
Eagle Rays Flying AwayPhoto by Jihye Lee
Shrimp Taking Refuge Under Sea ShellPhoto by Jihye Lee
LeopardPhoto by Jihye Lee
Fish Disguised Sea BottomPhoto by Jihye Lee
Diving Reviews for this region
Koh Tao
Diving hub of Thailand to learn how to dive. Cheap and easy diving on a beautiful island.
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