The Bon Soong Wreck is located in the Koh Surin Marine National Park. It is a former old tin dredger which sank in 1985. It is now a very famous dive site to observe juvenile fishes as well as a great marine life. The Bonsoong wreck lies in 20 m of water and the top of the ship is around 15 m making it an easy wreck dive. It is a very good spot for underwater photography with tiny species such as juvenile reef fishes and a great variety of nudibranches, gobies and Schrimps. The Superb Ghost Pipefish is also very common around the wreck. Frogfishes and scorpion fishes are common too. The dive site is surrounded by schools of fishes and lost trevallies and barracudas patrolling the area. It is not rare to spot a Leopard Shark inside the wreck. If you are very lucky it is possible to see a Whale Shark cruising through the water. The current is usually very gentle. Unfortunately the water is a bit murky and the visibility ranges from 4 m to 6 m but it is still a really great dive site worth exploring! It is also possible to dive there from Khao Lak on a day trip.
Best time to dive: the ideal period to plan holidays here isOctober to November. Access: from the Shore. See the map of Bon Soong Wreck on the right for the exact location.
Fishes you may spot while diving Bon Soong Wreck
... and more fishes & sea life, Ghost Pipefish, Juvenile Barracuda

Blue Nudibranch in Lembeh StraitPhoto by Rich Guest
Blue Spotted White Purple NudibranchPhoto by Jihye Lee
Stonefish At NightPhoto by Agnes Tjandranegara
White Orange Shaped NudibranchPhoto by Jihye Lee
Amazing Orange Black Nudibranch SwimmingPhoto by Rich Guest
Closeup NudibranchPhoto by Jihye Lee
White StonefishPhoto by Jihye Lee
Nudibranch Pink CoralPhoto by Jihye Lee
School Yellow Line FusilierPhoto by Jihye Lee
Beige Blue White NudibranchPhoto by Rich Guest
Diving Reviews for this region
Surin Islands
Large Pelagics, Manta rays and Whale Shark if you are lucky all in a superb remote area!
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